By His Spirit Ministries

By His Spirit Ministries Books Articles

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty."  Zechariah 4:6              

Hello, welcome to By His Spirit ministries.  My husband Colin and I have been married over 40 years, have three grown children and five grandchilden.  In 1985 God directed me through His Word to "write every word I have spoken to you in a book." Jeremiah 30:2.   I have written numerous articles and devotions for Christian publications to include:    Pathways to God, Devo-Zine, (youth devotional for The Upper Room), Light & Life magazine, Pentecostal Evangel, and God's Word for Today, a devotional from Gospel Publishing House.

Received the AMY Foundation Roaring Lambs Award in 1995.   The AMY Foundation Writing Awards program is designed to recognize creative, skillful writing that presents in a sensitive, thought-provoking manner the biblical position on issues affecting the world today. (The Amy Foundation also has a blogspot.) To be eligible for their contest, submitted articles must be published in a secular, non-religious publication and must be reinforced with at least one passage of scripture. The grand prize is $10,000.  

Organized Central Georgia Christian Writers (CGCW) 2004    

Copies of the following books may be ordered at for donation only.  This is a non-profit ministry.


              More information about these books are on the books page and the following web site: